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"Another amazing item...  super fast shipping, great quality, yet affordable jewellery. Thank you again!!!! :)"  - Emmy B.


"These earrings are beautiful! Simple and elegant. Perfect gift for my sister's birthday :) This is my new favorite shop." - Tracy M


"Beautiful! So dainty, I don't want to take it off. Shipping was fast and the packaging was lovely as well. Thank you!" - Lorrie


"Were very well received as a gift! I wish I had got myself a pair :)"

- joyousbliss 


"This is so elegant and beautiful ... in its detail, simplicity and quality. Love love love it."   - Helaina H.


Marguerite Ring

Designer: StatementGrey

$ 34.00 CAD $ 36.00 CAD
- +

This dreamy, ultra charming ring features a double band that highlights an iridescent teardrop crystal and finished with a beaded crystal detailed band.


  • Cubic zirconia
  • 14k Gold, Rose Gold, Rhodium Plated, Brass 
  • Tarnish-resistant protective coating


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